The Adventures of Max, Mia and Matt: Fun and Friendship

Once upon a time, there were three best friends named Max, Mia and Matt. They loved to do lots of fun activities together. One day, Max suggested they send messages to each other about what they wanted to do for the day.

Mia replied that she wanted to collect baseball cards, Matt said he wanted to surf the Internet and Max wanted to play badminton.

So, they all went their separate ways to do what they wanted. But in the evening, when they got together again, they realized they missed playing and having fun together.

Next day, they sent messages saying they all wanted to play soccer. They had a great match and afterwards, they all took turns to clear the table and watch DVDs.

And from that day on, they decided to always send messages and make sure they spend time together doing things they all loved. The end.


  1. What did Max, Mia, and Matt like to do together?
  2. What did Max suggest they do one day?
  3. How did the friends feel in the evening after separate activities?
  4. What did they all decide to do the next day?
  5. Why was it important for them to send messages to each other?

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