Chirpy's Candy Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little chicken named Chirpy who lived on the left side of the street. One day, Chirpy wanted to go to the candy store which was across the street from his house. So, he decided to go on an adventure!

Chirpy said: "I will go straight and then turn on the right."

However, when he got to the corner, he realized he had taken a wrong turn. He was now next to a big, scary dog. Chirpy was so scared that he ran around the corner from the dog.

Finally, Chirpy arrived at the corner where the candy store was located. He was so happy to finally reach his destination, but when he got inside, he saw that all the candy was gone!

Chirpy was sad and asked the store owner what had happened. The store owner said that a big, silly bear had come in earlier and eaten all the candy!

Chirpy decided to go find the bear and give him a piece of his mind. He went straight and turned on the right, and after a few twists and turns, he finally found the bear.

The bear was so embarrassed that he had eaten all the candy that he offered to buy Chirpy a new bag of candy. Chirpy was so happy, and they both became friends!

From then on, Chirpy and the bear went on many adventures together, always making sure to follow the right directions and never taking a wrong turn.


  1. What did Chirpy want to do?
  2. How did Chirpy get lost?
  3. Who did Chirpy meet at the candy store?
  4. What did the bear do to make up for eating all the candy?
  5. What adventures did Chirpy and the bear go on together?

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