Mittens the Fluffy Cat's Garden Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little fluffy cat named Mittens who was feeling sick. She went to the vet and the vet told her she needed to eat more greens. So, Mittens decided to go pick some lettuce from the garden.
But as she was picking, she saw a big jar of honey and licked her lips. She couldn't resist and she started to flick the honey into her mouth with her paw.
Just then, she heard a loud noise and she turned to see a brick wall. She got scared and wanted to kick it down, but then she remembered what the vet said about eating greens.
So, she used her paw to click her tongue and make a clicking sound that echoed throughout the garden. The sound attracted all the bees, and they started to follow Mittens to the lettuce garden.
Mittens ate all the greens she wanted and the bees were happy because they had plenty of flowers to pollinate. Mittens felt better and went home with a full belly and a happy heart.
The end.


  • What was wrong with Mittens at the beginning of the story?
  • What did the vet tell Mittens to eat more of?
  • How did Mittens get the bees to follow her?
  • What happened at the end of the story?
  • Why did Mittens feel better after her garden adventure?

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