Sir Sight: The Brave and Quick-Witted Knight

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a bright knight named Sir Sight. He was always on the lookout for new adventures to delight himself and the kingdom's people. One day, he was challenged to a fight by a giant who claimed to be the tallest in the land. Sir Sight didn't back down from a challenge, so he accepted the fight. The giant was so tall that Sir Sight had to stand on his tippy-toes to reach his height. But Sir Sight was quick and nimble, and with one swift move, he proved to the giant that being right is better than being tall. The kingdom cheered and Sir Sight became the hero of the day. From that day on, he continued to delight everyone with his bravery and quick thinking. The End.


  1. What was Sir Sight's challenge?
  2. How did Sir Sight prove that being right is better than being tall?
  3. What made Sir Sight the hero of the day?
  4. Why do you think the kingdom cheered for Sir Sight?

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