Flappy the Navigator

Once upon a time, there was a curious bird named Flappy. Flappy loved to fly from one place to another and explore new things. One day, while flying over a village, Flappy noticed a gap in the roof of a house. Being curious, Flappy decided to check it out.

As Flappy entered the house, he saw a boy sitting on a lap with a map in his hand. The boy was planning to go on a journey. Flappy wanted to join him and help find the way. The boy was surprised to see Flappy but agreed to let him help.

So, they set off on their journey, using the map to guide them. Every time they came to a fork in the road, Flappy would flap his wings and take off to get a better view of the path ahead. When they finally reached their destination, the boy put a cap on Flappy's head as a reward for his help.

Everyone in the village was amazed to see a bird wearing a cap and clapped in excitement. From that day on, Flappy became the official navigator for all the journeys in the village. And, every time Flappy helped someone find their way, the villagers would clap in appreciation. The end.


  1. What was Flappy's favorite thing to do?
  2. Why did the boy let Flappy join him on his journey?
  3. How did Flappy help the boy find the way?
  4. What did the villagers do when they saw Flappy wearing a cap?
  5. Why did the villagers clap for Flappy every time he helped someone find their way?

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