The Governor's Grate Adventure

A state was having a big celebration and every citizen was excited about the big date. The state's governor was running late for the event, as he always does. But then he remembered that he had a special grate in his palace that would help him to arrive on time. He quickly went through the gate and reached the palace where he saw a crate. He had never seen this crate before and he was curious about what was inside. He opened it and found that there was a plate with a message written on it. The message said, "You have been rated the best governor in the state, so enjoy this special meal." The governor was very happy and he ate the meal with great joy. From that day on, he made sure to arrive on time for all important events!


  1. What makes the governor special?
  2. Why was the governor running late for the celebration?
  3. What did the governor find in the crate?
  4. Why was the governor happy after eating the meal?
  5. What did the governor learn from this experience?

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