Crabbie's Bell Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little crab named Crabbie who lived in a shell by the sea. One day, he decided to say farewell to his home and go on an adventure. As he was traveling, he came across a bell which rang out loudly. Crabbie loved the sound so much that he decided to sell his shell and buy the bell.

As he continued on his journey, he came across a market where he met a skunk named Stinky. Stinky had a terrible smell, and nobody wanted to be near him. Crabbie offered to sell him the bell, but Stinky didn't have any money. So, Crabbie decided to trade the bell for Stinky's secret recipe to get rid of his bad odor.

Crabbie ran back to the sea and rang the bell, and all the sea creatures gathered around him. He told them all about Stinky's secret recipe and how they could get rid of their bad smells too. The sea creatures were so happy that they all started to dance, and Crabbie finally found a place where he could dwell happily ever after. The end.


  1. What did Crabbie trade his shell for?
  2. Why did Crabbie say farewell to his home?
  3. Who did Crabbie meet at the market?
  4. What was Stinky's secret recipe?
  5. Why were the sea creatures dancing at the end of the story?

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