The Adventures of the Forest Friends

Once upon a time, in a forest full of trees and colorful flowers, there lived a group of friends who loved to play and have fun. One day, as they were walking on a path, they heard a loud shout that caught their attention. They saw a man running and shouting "Help! Help!", he was being chased by a big bear. The friends quickly decided to catch the bear and help the man.

They all ran after the bear, shouting, laughing and having fun. Suddenly, they reached a cross-path, and the bear took a different direction. The friends didn't give up and continued to chase the bear.

Finally, they caught the bear and tied him to a tree. The man thanked them and told them that he was a king who had lost his crown and the bear had taken it. The friends untied the bear, and the king found his crown back.

The king was so grateful that he invited the friends to a feast at his palace. They all met there, laughed and had a great time together. And from that day on, the friends and the king became the best of friends, always playing, laughing and having fun in the forest. The end.


  1. Why did the friends run after the bear?

  2. What did they find when they caught the bear?

  3. How did the king feel when he got his crown back?

  4. Why did the friends and the king become best of friends?

  5. How did the story end?

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