The Ice Cream Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a grandfather who lived with his family in a big house. One day, the grandfather asked his son (dad) to go to the store and buy some ice cream. The dad agreed and took his sister and brother along. When they arrived at the store, they saw that their mother (mom) and father were already there. The mom and dad were arguing about who would pay for the ice cream. The sister suggested they could play rock-paper-scissors to decide. The dad won and bought the ice cream. On the way back home, they all ate the ice cream together and laughed as they remembered their silly argument. Meanwhile, the grandmother was at home waiting for them and smiled when she saw her happy family. The end.


  1. Who went to the store to buy ice cream?
  2. How did the family decide who would pay for the ice cream?
  3. What happened on the way back home?
  4. Who was waiting for them at home?
  5. How did the family feel at the end of the story?

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