The Cozy Room Dance Party

Once upon a time, there was a rug that lived in a cozy room. The rug loved to play hide and seek with the lamp, blanket, and pillow on the bed. One day, the rug heard a strange noise coming from the bookcase. Upon investigation, the rug found that the books on the shelf had come to life and were having a wild dance party! The fan joined in, blowing air and making the books dance even faster. Suddenly, the cupboard creaked open and out popped a group of cups and saucers, ready to join the fun. The rug, lamp, blanket, and pillow couldn't resist the temptation and joined in the dance. And so, they all danced and played until they were tired and ready to go back to their spots for a good night's sleep. The end.


  1. What objects in the story came to life?
  2. What was the strange noise the rug heard?
  3. Who joined the dance party first?
  4. Why did the objects come to life?
  5. Who won the game of hide and seek?

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