The Clothes' Silly Fashion Parade

Once upon a time, there was a group of clothes that lived in a wardrobe. Skirt, Dress, Trousers, Shirt, Socks, Coat, and Shorts were all best friends. They loved to play together and have fun.
One day, it was very cold outside and the clothes decided to go for a walk. Skirt wanted to wear her favorite dress, but Dress said she was too cold and wanted to wear pants (trousers). Shirt also wanted to wear trousers, but Socks said they were too scratchy. Coat suggested wearing shorts, but Shorts felt too exposed.
In the end, they all decided to wear each other's clothing and have a silly parade around the room! They twirled and danced in their mismatched outfits, laughing and having a great time.
And that's how the clothes learned that it's okay to be different and have fun no matter what you wear. The end.


  1. What did the clothes want to wear when they went for a walk?
  2. Why did Socks say trousers were too scratchy?
  3. What did Coat suggest as an alternative?
  4. How did the clothes learn to have fun no matter what they wear?
  5. Can you think of another silly outfit combination the clothes could have worn?

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