The Impatient Independent Flyer

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Immy who lived in a small village. She was very independent and always wanted to do things her own way. One day, she decided to build a flying machine, even though everyone told her it was impossible. Immy didn't care, she was impatient and wanted to fly!

She gathered all the inexpensive materials she could find and started building. However, her machine was very impractical and looked quite inappropriate. Her friends laughed and called it immature. But Immy was determined to make it work.

One day, she climbed into her flying machine and set off into the sky. To everyone's surprise, the machine actually worked and Immy was soaring high above the village. But she soon realized that she wasn't very good at flying, and before long she was careening out of control!

Miraculously, she managed to land safely back in the village. Everyone cheered and clapped, but Immy was a little embarrassed. She had learned that sometimes it's better to listen to others and be more practical. From that day on, she only flew in her dreams!


  • Why did Immy build the flying machine even though everyone told her it was impossible?
  • What did Immy learn from her experience flying in the machine?
  • Why do you think Immy was a little embarrassed after landing safely in the village?
  • How was Immy's attitude different from others in the village and how did that affect her actions?

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