Once upon a time, in a jungle lived a lion named Leo. One day, he woke up to find a lemon tree in front of his lair. He was so happy that he decided to make lemonade. But, as he tried to pick a lemon, a monkey swung down and took it. Leo asked the monkey to share the lemon but the monkey refused. Just then, a mouse appeared and offered to help Leo get the lemon back.
The mouse climbed up the tree and got the lemon for Leo. As a token of gratitude, Leo offered the mouse a mango from his own mango tree. The mouse happily accepted the offer and went on his way. Leo then sat down under a big leafy tree and started to enjoy his lemonade. Suddenly, the lamp that was hanging from the tree flickered and went off. Leo's mother came to the rescue with a new bulb and fixed the lamp. They all sat together and enjoyed the rest of the evening, watching the stars twinkle above them. The end.
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