The Sports Adventure of Ride, Walk, Play, and Run

Once upon a time, there were 4 best friends named Ride, Walk, Play, and Run. They loved to play football and basketball together. One day they decided to have a tournament to see who was the best at both sports.
Ride was the first to play and he was so excited that he rode all the way to the field. But when it was his turn to shoot the basketball, he couldn't do it because he was riding!
Walk was up next and he walked very slowly to the field. He was too slow to play football, but he was amazing at basketball because he had long arms that helped him reach the basket easily.
Play was amazing at both sports, but he was having too much fun playing pranks on his friends that he forgot about the tournament.
Finally, it was Run's turn. He ran so fast that he scored the most goals in football and made the most baskets in basketball. And so, Run became the champion of the tournament!
The end.


  1. Who won the tournament in the story?
  2. What was Walk's special talent in basketball?
  3. Why couldn't Ride play basketball?
  4. Why did Play forget about the tournament?
  5. Who was the fastest of all four friends?

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