The Mighty Milk-Cleaning Mouse of the Moon.

Once upon a time, there was a mouse who loved to clean. He had a favorite mop and every night, he would clean his mat while gazing at the moon. One day, the mouse found a map that showed the way to a magical land where rivers flowed with milk. Excited by his discovery, he packed his mop and set off on an adventure. When he arrived, he discovered that the milk rivers were all dirty and in need of cleaning. So, using his trusty mop, he cleaned every last drop and became known as the "Mighty Milk-Cleaning Mouse of the Moon". The end.


  • Why did the mouse love to clean?
  • What did the mouse find that made him go on an adventure?
  • How did the mouse clean the rivers of milk in the magical land?
  • What was the mouse's new nickname after cleaning the rivers of milk?
  • What was the mouse looking at every night as he cleaned his mat?

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