The Great Robot Race Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a robot named Rusty who loved to play with his friends. One day, Rusty and his friends decided to have a race using a ball, a bike, a car, and a kite. They were all so excited and couldn't wait to start the race.

As they prepared for the race, a doll named Daisy joined in on the fun. She had her own little car and wanted to participate too. They all lined up at the starting line, ready to go.

The race began and the ball rolled down the track. The bike zoomed by, followed by the car. But as they turned the corner, the wind picked up and the kite took off into the sky!

Rusty was in last place, but he wasn't giving up yet. He had a secret weapon, his robot abilities. He transformed into a helicopter and flew past all of his friends, crossing the finish line first.

Everyone cheered for Rusty as he landed back on the ground. They all laughed and played together for the rest of the day. The end.


  1. What did Rusty and his friends decide to do?
  2. Who joined in on the fun during the race?
  3. How did Rusty win the race?
  4. What did Rusty turn into to win the race?
  5. How did everyone feel at the end of the race?

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