The Chessboard Adventure: A Story Created by Ted & Bella

Once upon a time, there was a teddy bear named Ted who loved playing chess. One day, he hopped on the school bus and brought his chessboard with him. On the bus, he met a Barbie doll named Bella who was reading a story book and a comic book. Ted challenged Bella to a game of chess, but she declined saying she was just looking for inspiration for her own story. So, Ted suggested they write a story together using jigsaw puzzles made of paper. They collected pieces from their books and created a beautiful story, which they shared with everyone on the bus. The end.


  • Who are the main characters in the story?
  • Why did Ted bring a chessboard on the school bus?
  • What did Bella decline to do with Ted?
  • What did they use to create their story?
  • How did they share their story with others?

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