Veggie Friends Picnic Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a group of vegetables who lived in a big garden. Cucumber, Salad, Corn, Aubergine, Carrot, and Pepper were best friends and loved to play together.
One day, they decided to have a picnic and each of them brought their favorite dish to share. Cucumber brought a refreshing cucumber salad, Salad brought a green leafy salad, Corn brought his sweet corn on the cob, Aubergine brought her delicious eggplant dip, Carrot brought her famous carrot cake, and Pepper brought spicy pepper soup.
They had so much fun eating and playing games, but the best part was when they all got together and sang "We are the vegetable gang, we love to eat and have fun!"
The end.


  1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  2. What did each vegetable bring to the picnic?
  3. What was the best part of the picnic for the vegetables?
  4. Did they have fun at the picnic? Why or why not?
  5. How would you describe the friendship between the vegetables?

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