The Biggest Number Adventure

Once upon a time, there were 5 friends, One, Two, Three, Four, and Five. They decided to go on an adventure to find the biggest number in the world.

First, they met with Six and he told them that he was the biggest of all the numbers they had met so far. But they didn't believe him and kept searching.
Next, they stumbled upon Seven who claimed to be even bigger than Six. The friends were amazed and continued their journey.

Eventually, they met Eight who was so big and strong, but also quite lazy. He told the friends that he was the biggest number of all but didn't feel like moving or doing much of anything.

The friends laughed and knew they had found the answer they were looking for. They declared Eight as the biggest number in the world and went back home to tell everyone about their exciting adventure.

The end!


  1. What did the five friends do in the story?
  2. Who claimed to be the biggest number?
  3. Who did the friends finally decide was the biggest number in the world?
  4. Why did they go on an adventure to find the biggest number?
  5. What happened at the end of the story?

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