The Adventures of Lily the Leaf and Her Friends

Once upon a time, there was a little leaf named Lily. She lived in a forest with all her friends, the flowers, the sun, and the snow, who all had their own unique personalities.

One day, the sun said to Lily, "Hey, it's spring, let's go play!" But as soon as they stepped outside, a sudden rain shower appeared and ruined their plans.

"Oh no," cried Lily, "What are we going to do now?"

"Don't worry," said the sun, "I have an idea. Let's have a picnic inside the clouds!" And so, they climbed up to the clouds and had a blast eating cake and playing games.

As summer approached, the sun became very hot and decided to take a nap. But the flowers were still full of energy and wanted to keep playing. So, they asked the snow to join in and together they danced and twirled, creating the most beautiful and cool summer breeze.

But as autumn arrived, the leaves started to fall from the trees and it became colder. The snow said to Lily, "It's time for us to go back to our home in the mountains."

And finally, when winter came, the sun disappeared and the snow covered the whole forest. But Lily knew that the sun would return and bring spring back again, so she and the snow went to sleep, waiting for the next adventure.

The end.


  1. What were the different seasons in the story?
  2. Who were Lily's friends in the story?
  3. What did the sun do in the summer?
  4. What did Lily and the snow do in winter?
  5. What did Lily and her friends do on a rainy spring day?

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