Anty's Adventure with a Baby, a Banana, and a Car.

Once upon a time, there was an ant named Anty who loved to read books. One day, while Anty was reading a book under a tree, a baby crawled over with a banana in hand. The baby offered the banana to Anty, who politely declined and offered a cookie instead. The baby happily took the cookie and ran off to play with a nearby apple. Anty continued reading until they heard a car coming down the road. The car cut in front of the tree, narrowly missing Anty. The ant quickly gathered their book and scurried off to find a new place to read in peace.


  1. Why did Anty decline the baby's banana?
  2. What did the baby do with the cookie Anty gave them?
  3. How did Anty escape being hit by the car?
  4. Where did Anty go after the car passed by?
  5. Why do you think the baby offered Anty a banana?

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