The Furniture's Wild Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a magical house where all the furniture and appliances came to life. One day, the bathroom cabinet decided he wanted to be a TV star. So, he snuck into the living room, climbed up on the TV stand, and started performing his own show. Meanwhile, the kitchen sink wanted to join in on the fun, so she started dancing along to the rhythm of the cabinet's show. Suddenly, the shower head burst into the living room, soaking the whole place and causing all the furniture to slip and slide. The bed from the bedroom tried to save the day by using its sheets to mop up the water, but ended up rolling around the living room like a snowball. In the end, they all realized that there was no place like their own designated rooms and decided to return back to their usual spots. The end.


  1. What did the bathroom cabinet want to be in the story?
  2. What was the kitchen sink's role in the story?
  3. What happened when the shower head burst into the living room?
  4. How did the bed try to save the day?
  5. Why did all the furniture return to their designated rooms at the end of the story?

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