The Great Shoe Swap

Once upon a time, there was a sister named Sarah who lived with her mum, dad, brother, grandpa, grandma, aunt, and uncle all in one house. One day, Sarah overheard her grandma telling her grandpa that she wanted to play a joke on the others. Grandpa agreed, and together they came up with the perfect plan.

The next morning, when everyone woke up, they found that all their shoes had been switched around, so nobody could find their own pair! Chaos erupted as everyone tried to figure out whose shoes belonged to whom. Sarah's brother ended up with grandma's high heels, her aunt was wearing grandpa's slippers, and dad had on mum's flip-flops.

But Sarah was the one who got the best laugh: she had on grandpa's big, bright yellow boots! Everyone finally figured out the joke, and they couldn't stop laughing for the rest of the day.

From then on, whenever someone did something silly, they would say "I must have gotten the yellow boots this morning!" And everyone would giggle all over again.


  1. Why did grandma and grandpa want to play a joke on the family?
  2. How did everyone feel when they couldn't find their shoes?
  3. What made Sarah's shoes so special?
  4. How did the family react to the joke in the end?
  5. What did the family start calling silly things from then on?

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