The Hat's Adventure on Pink Hill Desk Tent

Once upon a time there was a pink desk in the shape of a hill. One day, a hat with a bell on it decided to go on an adventure. It took out its map and saw a tent on top of the hill. It climbed up and was invited in for a glass of milk by the bed wearing a belt. Suddenly, the bed stood up, revealing it was actually a person wearing a cap. The person asked the hat if it wanted to play a game of hide and seek. The hat agreed, and the game began. They counted to ten and then the search began. The hat had a great time hiding and the person eventually found it. They laughed and continued playing until it was time for bed. The next day, the desk, hat, and person went on another adventure together. The end.


  1. What shape was the pink desk in the story?
  2. How did the hat go on an adventure?
  3. Who invited the hat into the tent for milk?
  4. What did the bed turn out to be?
  5. What game did the hat and person play?

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