Benny's Picnic Adventure: A Bear's Journey to Happiness

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a bear named Benny. One day, Benny woke up feeling hungry, tired, sad, and surprisingly sleepy all at the same time. As he walked around the village, he noticed that all of his friends were also feeling the same way. They were all either sick, angry, afraid, or just unhappy.

Benny decided to do something about it and came up with a plan. He gathered all of his friends and they went on a picnic. They brought food, drinks, and games to play. During the picnic, everyone started to feel better and their moods improved. They laughed, played, and had a great time. By the end of the day, everyone was happy and much less tired, hungry, sad, surprised, sleepy, sick, angry, or afraid.

The moral of the story is that being with friends and having fun can make you feel better even when you're not feeling your best.


  1. What was Benny feeling when he woke up?
  2. What did Benny do to help his friends feel better?
  3. Why did the picnic make everyone feel better?
  4. What is the moral of the story?
  5. How did you feel after reading the story?

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