Rusty's Rainbow Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a brown horse named Rusty who lived in a colorful stable. One day, he saw the other horses with fancy coats of orange, green, red, black, pink, white, and blue. Rusty felt left out because he only had a plain brown coat.

So, he decided to go on an adventure to find the Rainbow Tree, where he heard each leaf was a different color. After a long journey, he finally found the tree and saw leaves of every color. He was so happy that he started to eat the leaves!

But as he ate each leaf, his coat changed to the color of the leaf. First it turned orange, then green, red, black, pink, white, and finally blue! Rusty was so proud of his colorful coat and went back to the stable to show off.

The other horses were amazed and wanted to try eating the leaves too. They all went on a trip to the Rainbow Tree and came back with colorful coats just like Rusty's. From that day on, the stable was filled with horses of every color and they all lived happily ever after. The end.


  1. How did Rusty feel about his brown coat before he went on his adventure?
  2. What did Rusty find at the Rainbow Tree?
  3. What happened to Rusty's coat after he ate the leaves from the Rainbow Tree?
  4. How did the other horses react to Rusty's colorful coat?
  5. What color was Rusty's coat at the end of the story?

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