The Jungle Picnic Adventure

Once upon a time, in a far-off jungle, there lived a group of animal friends. They were a koala named Kiki, an elephant named Ellie, a lion named Leo, a panda named Po, a crocodile named Croc, a giraffe named Gilly and a kangaroo named Skip.
One day, they decided to have a big picnic. They gathered all the fruits, veggies, and nuts they could find. The zebra, Zara, offered to be the DJ for the party. They danced and sung the whole day.
Just when they thought the party was over, a big storm started. They all ran to a nearby cave for shelter. But, it was too small for all of them. Leo, the bravest of them all, offered to stand guard outside.
Thanks to Leo's bravery, they all slept safely and soundly till the storm passed. The next morning, they continued their fun-filled picnic and made many more memories together.
The end.


  1. Who were the animal friends in the story?
  2. What did they do during the picnic?
  3. How did they protect themselves during the storm?
  4. Who offered to stand guard outside the cave?
  5. What happened the next morning?

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