Digger's Adventure: From Digger to Ambulance Driver to Ocean Hero

Once upon a time, there was a digger named Digger who lived in a small town. One day, an ambulance rushed by and Digger thought, "I want to help people too!" So, he decided to become an ambulance driver. He hopped on his skateboard and followed the ambulance to the hospital. There, he saw a submarine in the harbor and had an idea. He convinced the crew to let him join them on their next mission, to explore the ocean and help any animals in need. They set off and found a group of whales stuck in a net. Digger used his digger to cut the net and set the whales free. The whales thanked Digger and the submarine crew, and they all lived happily ever after.


  1. What inspired Digger to become an ambulance driver?
  2. How did Digger help the whales in the ocean?
  3. What did Digger learn on his adventure?
  4. What was your favorite part of the story? Why?

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