The Turkey and Her Egg: A Cozy Nest Tale.

Once upon a time, in a forest, there was a turkey who lived in a cozy nest. One day, she laid an egg in her nest. She was so proud of her egg and took good care of it. Every day she sang a lullaby to the egg, hoping that it would hatch into a healthy baby turkey.

Days went by and the egg finally hatched. Out came a cute little turkey chick! The mother turkey was overjoyed and took care of her baby with love and devotion. They lived happily ever after in their nest, taking care of each other and playing in the forest. The end.


  1. How does the mother turkey feel about her egg?
  2. What does the mother turkey do for her egg?
  3. How does the baby turkey come out of the egg?
  4. What does the mother turkey do for her baby?
  5. What kind of life do the turkey and her baby have in the forest?

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