Dress Up Day

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah. She loved to play dress up and today was no exception. She put on her favorite T-shirt and a pair of sparkly shoes. She even put on her brother's old hat to complete her outfit.
Sarah was so excited to show her family her new look. She skipped through the living room and into the kitchen where her mom was making breakfast. "Mom, look at my new outfit!" Sarah exclaimed.
Her mom turned around and smiled. "You look so pretty, Sarah!" she said.
Sarah then ran to her brother's room to show him but he was still asleep. She didn't want to wake him up, so she went to the dining room where her dad was reading the newspaper. "Daddy, look at me!" she said as she twirled around.
"Wow, you look like a fashion model!" her dad said with a chuckle.
Feeling happy and content, Sarah ran to the bathroom to take a look at herself in the mirror. She smiled, satisfied with her look, and went back to her bedroom to play with her toys, feeling like a true fashionista.

The end.


  1. How does Sarah feel about her outfit?
  2. Who does Sarah show her outfit to first?
  3. How does Sarah's brother react to her outfit?
  4. How does Sarah's dad react to her outfit?
  5. How does Sarah feel after seeing herself in the mirror?

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