The Little Girl and the Friendly Bear

Once upon a time, in a big green field, there was a beautiful barn surrounded by a group of animals. One day, a bee was flying around the flowers, collecting nectar. A bird flew down and landed on a nearby branch. The butterfly danced gracefully in the air, flapping its colorful wings. Suddenly, a pair of boots appeared, belonging to a little girl who lived in the nearby village. She was carrying a basket with a delicious banana inside. As she approached the barn, she saw a big bear sleeping inside. Suddenly, the bear woke up and saw the little girl. She was scared, but the bear was very friendly and asked if she wanted to play ball with him. They played for hours, laughing and having fun. And from that day on, the little girl and the bear became the best of friends.


  • Who is the main character in this story?
  • What kind of animal is the bear in the story?
  • What did the little girl have in her basket?
  • How did the little girl and the bear become friends?
  • Why do you think the bear was friendly to the little girl?

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