The Adventure of the Little Frog and the Fleece Blanket

Once upon a time, there was a family of frogs who lived near a river. One day, while they were having a picnic and eating fruit, a strong wind blew away a feather from one of the frogs. The feather landed on a nearby tree where a fork was stuck in the trunk.

The little frog, who loved adventures, decided to climb the tree to retrieve the feather. But as he reached the top, he realized that the fork was blocking his way back down. Suddenly, a kind fleece blanket offered to help him slide down safely.

The little frog thanked the fleece blanket for its kindness and returned to his family with the feather. From that day on, the family of frogs always remembered the brave deeds of the little frog and the helpful fleece blanket. They all lived happily ever after.


  1. Why do you think the little frog went to retrieve the feather?
  2. How did the fleece blanket help the frog?
  3. What did the family of frogs learn from the little frog's adventure?
  4. How would you feel if you were the little frog?
  5. Why was the feather important to the frog family?

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