Lenny the Lizard and Lily the Lamb's Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a lizard named Lenny who lived in a forest. One day, he met a lamb named Lily who was lost. Lenny offered to help her find her way home.
They walked through the forest and came across a log. Lenny climbed on top of the log and saw a shining light in the distance.
Lenny and Lily followed the light and found a lamp. They rubbed the lamp and a genie appeared! The genie granted them three wishes.
Lenny wished for a map to lead them back to Lily's home, and Lily wished for a delicious feast for them to enjoy along the way.
With the help of the genie, they found their way back to Lily's home and had a fantastic meal together. From then on, Lenny and Lily became the best of friends.


  • What did Lenny and Lily do when they first met in the forest?
  • What did they find when they followed the shining light?
  • What did Lenny and Lily wish for from the genie?
  • How did they finally find their way back to Lily's home?
  • Why did Lenny and Lily become the best of friends?

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