Nuts the Helpful Squirrel

Once upon a time, there was a little squirrel named Nuts who lived in a cozy nest with his friends. One night, Nuts couldn't sleep because his nose was itching. So, he went to the nearby tree to find a nurse who could help him.

The nurse was a kind owl who lived in a big nest made of a net. She asked Nuts what was wrong, and he explained that his nose was itching. The nurse looked at Nuts' nose and saw that there was a small leaf stuck in it. She gently took it out and Nuts felt much better.

Nuts thanked the nurse and asked her how she had become a nurse. The nurse told him that she loved helping others and had studied hard to become an expert in healing animals. Nuts was impressed and decided that he too wanted to help others.

From that day on, Nuts started using his strong legs to collect nuts and berries for other animals who were hungry. He would also climb high into trees to help animals who were stuck or hurt. Nuts became known as the 'Helpful Squirrel' and everyone loved him for his kindness.

And so, Nuts learned that helping others can bring happiness not only to those you help but also to yourself. Nights were filled with joy and laughter, and Nuts' nose never itched again. The end.


  1. Why did Nuts go to see the nurse?
  2. How did Nuts become known as the 'Helpful Squirrel'?
  3. What did Nuts learn about helping others?
  4. What made Nuts happy?
  5. Can you think of a time when you helped someone and felt happy?

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