The Queen's Quest for the Quilt's Answer

Once upon a time, there was a queen who ruled over a kingdom of ducks. They lived in a beautiful palace by a lake, where the ducks would swim and play all day. One day, the queen had a question she needed answered. She called for a meeting of all the ducks in the kingdom, and asked them if anyone knew the answer. The ducks all quacked and waddled about, but none of them knew the answer.

The queen was feeling quite discouraged, until one little duckling spoke up. "Your majesty," the duckling said, "I may have the answer you're looking for." The queen was so surprised, she couldn't help but ask, "Really? What is it?" The little duckling replied, "I think the answer is hidden in the quarters of your palace."

The queen was intrigued, and so she set out with the little duckling to search the quarters of the palace. They searched high and low, looking in every nook and cranny, until they finally found what they were looking for: a beautiful quilt, carefully tucked away in a quiet corner.

The little duckling said, "I think the answer to your question is hidden inside this quilt." So the queen carefully unfolded the quilt, and to her surprise, she found the answer she had been searching for! She was so grateful to the little duckling, she made him her personal advisor, and they lived happily ever after.

The end.


  1. Who was the main character in the story?
  2. What question did the queen have?
  3. How did the little duckling help the queen?
  4. Where did they find the answer to the queen's question?
  5. What happened to the little duckling at the end of the story?

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