Robby and Friends: A Cosmic Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a robot named Robby who loved to explore space. One day, Robby built a rocket and invited his friends - a rabbit, raccoon, and rhino - to join him on an adventure.

As they traveled through the galaxy, they landed on a strange planet filled with rocks and rolling hills. The rabbit discovered a rug and invited everyone for a picnic, where they feasted on roast chicken.

After lunch, the group decided to have a race car competition, but Robby suggested they use roller skates instead. The raccoon pulled out his recorder and played music, making the race even more fun. They skated around the rocks, laughing and having a great time.

Finally, they returned to the rocket and continued on their journey, always searching for new adventures. The end.


  1. Who is Robby in the story?
  2. What did Robby’s friends share with him during their space adventure?
  3. What did the group do on the strange planet?
  4. Who played music during the race car competition?
  5. What did Robby and his friends have for lunch on the strange planet?

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