The Adventures of the Stationery Friends

Once upon a time, there was a school where all the stationery came to life. One day, a book, eraser, pencil, ruler, pen, crayon, glue, and a blackboard were playing together in the classroom.

The book wanted to write a story, but it didn't have any arms. So, the pencil offered to help by writing the story for the book. The ruler helped by making straight lines for the sentences, and the eraser helped by getting rid of mistakes.

The pen wanted to add some color to the story, so the crayon helped by drawing pictures. The glue wanted to stick the pages together, so it helped by holding the book together.

Finally, the blackboard offered to be the background for the story, and the story was written on the blackboard for everyone to see.

The end.


  1. Which stationery item was the leader of the group?
  2. How did each stationery item help in writing the story?
  3. Can you think of another story where inanimate objects come to life?
  4. Why do you think the blackboard offered to be the background for the story?
  5. How did the glue help in writing the story?

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