Tim's Park Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tim who loved to go fishing, play tangram and chess, and solve mazes. One day, he went to the park and saw a big sign that said "Fishing Tournament, Tangram Competition, Chess Match, and Maze Race Today!" Tim couldn't believe his luck and decided to participate in all four events.

First, he went to the fishing pond and caught the biggest fish of the tournament. Then, he solved the tangram puzzle faster than anyone else. Next, he won the chess match by using his clever strategies. Finally, he was the first one to reach the end of the maze.

Everyone cheered for Tim, who had become the champion of the park's events. He felt proud of himself and even more excited about the next adventure that awaited him. The end.


  1. What was Tim's favorite activity?
  2. How did Tim feel after winning all the events at the park?
  3. Can you name all the events that Tim participated in?
  4. What do you think Tim will do next?

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