Benny's Active Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little bear named Benny. Benny loved to play outside and try new things. One day, he wanted to learn how to ski. He practiced carrying his skis up the mountain, then finally caught on to how to ski down the slope. Next, Benny wanted to try ice skating. He used his arms to throw himself forward and pull himself back. He also learned how to push off and glide on the ice.

One day, while playing with his friends, they decided to climb a tall tree. Benny used all his strength to pull himself up, but he was still scared of heights. His friends encouraged him and helped him push through his fear.

After a long day of playing and trying new things, Benny went to bed exhausted but happy. He couldn't wait to see what new adventures tomorrow would bring.

The end.


  1. What new skills did Benny learn?
  2. What was Benny's favorite activity?
  3. How did Benny overcome his fear of heights?
  4. Who helped Benny during his adventures?
  5. What do you think Benny will try next?

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