Lily's Adventure: A Cautionary Tale of Carefulness

Once upon a time, there was a curious little girl named Lily who loved to explore. One day, while playing in the backyard, she tripped and fell on a nail. The nail went straight through her leg and Lily started to cry.

Her mom quickly came to her rescue and took her to the hospital. The doctor examined Lily's leg and found that the nail had gone deep into her knee. He carefully removed the nail and treated the injury.

Lily was given a cast for her leg to help it heal. The cast made it difficult for her to walk, but she didn't let it stop her from exploring. She used crutches to help her get around, and soon she was back to playing and having fun.

One day, while playing with her friends, Lily accidentally knocked her cast against a table. The cast broke and she fell to the ground. This time, she hurt her finger. The doctor put a bandage on her finger and told her to be more careful.

Lily learned an important lesson that day. She realized that she needed to be more careful when she was playing so that she wouldn't get hurt again. From then on, she made sure to watch her step and take care of herself.

The end


  1. What did Lily do to get hurt?
  2. What did the doctor do to help Lily?
  3. How did Lily feel when she had to use crutches to get around?
  4. What lesson did Lily learn from her experiences?
  5. What could Lily have done to prevent getting hurt in the first place?

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