Peep the Engineer: A Tale of Passion and Perseverance

Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Peep who loved to coop up in his nest and tinker with engineering projects. One day, while working on a project, Peep accidentally wound himself. Despite his injury, he refused to give up on his passion for engineering.
However, Peep's wound became infected and he began to get very sick. The other birds tried to help him, but Peep was too weak to recover and he eventually died from his injury.
The other birds were heartbroken, but they knew that Peep had lived his life to the fullest, always pursuing his passion for engineering, and that he would not have wanted to die of anything else.


  1. What did Peep love to do?
  2. What happened to Peep while he was working on a project?
  3. Why did Peep become sick?
  4. How did the other birds feel about Peep's death?
  5. What did Peep teach us about pursuing our passions?

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