Once upon a time, in a forest filled with colorful birds lived a parrot named Polly. One day, she met a pigeon and they quickly became friends. They decided to go on an adventure together, exploring the forest and meeting new birds. Along the way, they met a woodpecker, a cuckoo, a robin, a sparrow, a crow, a peacock, a hawk, a raven, and a swallow. Each bird had a unique talent and personality, and they all got along great.
One day, the birds noticed that there was a lack of food in the forest. They decided to work together to find a solution. The woodpecker used its strong beak to dig for nuts and seeds, the cuckoo collected fruit from the trees, the robin caught worms, the sparrow gathered seeds, the crow found berries, the peacock brought back insects, the hawk hunted small animals, the raven collected scraps, and the swallow brought back seeds from other forests.
Polly, the parrot, and the pigeon helped by spreading the word and keeping everyone organized. They were able to gather enough food for everyone in the forest and everyone was happy. From that day on, the birds worked together whenever they needed help and they all lived happily ever after. The end.
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