Once upon a time, in a magical land, lived a group of birds who lived together in harmony. There was a dove named Daisy, an owl named Oscar, a finch named Freddie, a sandpiper named Sandy, a turkey named Tom, a flamingo named Fiona, a goose named Gertrude, and a swan named Serena.
One day, the birds decided to have a picnic and invited all their friends. They gathered at a beautiful meadow filled with flowers and delicious fruits. The dove and the owl brought bread and cheese, the finch and the sandpiper brought seeds and berries, the turkey brought juicy apples, the flamingo brought sweet nectar, the goose brought eggs, and the swan brought honey.
As they feasted, they listened to stories and songs, danced and played games. But the best part of the day was when they all gathered around to watch the swan dance gracefully in the pond.
From that day on, the birds got together every week for a picnic and enjoyed each other's company. They learned to appreciate and respect each other's differences and lived happily ever after.
The end.
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