Tom's Dream Cars: An American-Italian Adventure.

Once upon a time, there was an American named Tom who loved cars. He lived in a big city and had the opportunity to see many different types of cars every day. He saw Volvos, Peugeots, Mercedes, Toyotas, Daewoos, Minis, Fords, and Fiats.
One day, Tom went on a trip to Italy with his family. There he saw even more amazing cars and fell in love with the Italian style of driving. He decided that when he grew up, he wanted to be a car designer and make beautiful cars like the Italians did.
So, Tom worked hard and studied a lot about cars. When he was old enough, he got a job at a car company and began to design his own cars. He combined the American style with the Italian style and created a new style that was loved by everyone.
Tom's cars were so popular that people from all over the world came to buy them. He became a famous car designer and was recognized as one of the best in the world. And that is how Tom's dream of designing cars came true.
The end.


  1. What did Tom like about Italian cars?
  2. What was Tom's dream when he grew up?
  3. How did Tom become a famous car designer?
  4. What is the new style that Tom created in his cars?

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