Max the Resourceful Mouse

Once upon a time, there was a small mouse named Max who lived in a big city. One day, he found a blunt knife and a fork in a box. He wanted to use them to eat his lunch, but he didn't have a cup or glass. So, he looked around and found a bottle with a tiny bit of liquid left in it. He tried to drink from the bottle, but it was too tall for him. Then, he saw a tin can and a small glass cup. He used the knife to open the tin and poured the contents into the cup. He was so happy and ate his lunch with the fork, feeling grateful for his new utensils. The end.


  1. What does Max the mouse want to do with the knife and fork?
  2. What does he use to drink from instead of a cup?
  3. How does Max open the tin can?
  4. How does Max feel at the end of the story?
  5. Can you think of another solution for Max to drink from instead of a bottle or tin?

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