The Mischief of the Trouser-Losing Cat

Once upon a time, in a cozy house, there was a living room with a comfortable armchair near a big window. The armchair faced a wall with a beautiful picture hanging on it.
One day, a mischievous cat snuck into the living room and jumped onto the armchair, knocking over the picture. The frame broke and the glass shattered on the floor. The cat ran out of the door as fast as it could.
But when the cat looked back, it realized it had lost one of its trousers on the armchair. The cat meowed in distress but couldn't get back inside.
A kind boy who lived next door heard the cat's cries and came to its rescue. He retrieved the missing trousers and helped the cat back into the living room. The boy fixed the picture on the wall and the cat was grateful. From then on, the cat and the boy became the best of friends.


  • What did the cat do that caused trouble in the living room?
    • How did the boy help the cat?
    • Why did the cat lose its trouser?
    • How did the cat and the boy become friends?
    • What happened to the picture on the wall?

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