Title: "Lila's Cleaning and Reading Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lila who loved to read books. One day, she decided to clean her room and put all her clothes in the wardrobe. She noticed that the wardrobe was covered in dust, so she took off her shoes and started to sweep the floor. After she had finished sweeping, Lila decided to empty the wardrobe and give it a good cleaning.

She took out all of her clothes and put them on the bed, then she turned on the vacuum cleaner and began to clean the inside of the wardrobe. When she was done, she turned off the vacuum cleaner and put her clothes back inside the wardrobe.

Next, Lila wanted to sharpen her pencils so she could do some drawing. She took out her pencil sharpener and began to sharpen her pencils. When she was done, she put the pencil sharpener away and went to her bed to read a book.

Lila was so engrossed in her book that she didn't even notice the time passing by. When she finally looked up at the clock, she realized that it was late and she needed to go to bed. She put her book away, took off her clothes, and put on her pajamas. She turned off the lights and went to bed, dreaming of all the wonderful adventures she would have tomorrow.


  1. What did Lila do with her clothes when she started cleaning the wardrobe?
  2. What did Lila do after she finished sweeping the floor?
  3. Why did Lila sharpen her pencils?
  4. What was Lila doing when she didn't notice the time passing by?
  5. What did Lila put on before going to bed?

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