Sally's Adventure Across the River

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sally who loved to swim. One day, she wanted to swim across a river to get to the park on the other side. But the river was too wide and deep for her to swim across. Then, she noticed a bank with a building beside it. She had an idea! She swam to the building and climbed up onto the roof. From there, she saw that the roof was next to another building that went all the way across the river. She jumped off the roof and into the water, then started swimming beside the building until she made it to the other side. When she finally reached the park, she was so proud of herself for finding a way to get across the river. And she had a great time playing in the park all day.


  1. How did Sally get across the river?
  2. Why was she proud of herself?
  3. What was her adventure like?
  4. What was her solution to cross the river?
  5. What did she do when she reached the park?

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