The Boy Who Learned to Listen

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Tim who didn't like to do his homework. One day, his teacher gave him a big assignment, and he sighed deeply. But then he remembered his mother's words "Always listen and follow instructions." So, Tim sat down and got to work. He listened carefully as he read the instructions, and before he knew it, he had finished his homework!

Feeling proud of himself, Tim went to the kitchen to help his mother with dinner. She asked him to set the table, so Tim got to work. But, just as he was about to put the last dish on the table, he heard a loud crash! The dish had slipped out of his hand and shattered on the floor. Tim was very upset, but his mother reminded him that mistakes happen and they can always clean it up together. And so they did.

From that day on, Tim learned to always listen and follow instructions, not just with his homework but in everything he did. And, he never broke another dish again!


  1. Why was Tim feeling unhappy about his homework at the beginning of the story?
  2. What did Tim's mother say that helped him with his homework?
  3. What happened when Tim was setting the table for dinner?
  4. How did Tim feel after he broke the dish and what did his mother do to help him?
  5. What did Tim learn from this experience?

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