Mr. Green's Day Off

Once upon a time, there was a greengrocer named Mr. Green who owned a small store. Every day, he would wake up early and open his store to sell fresh fruits and vegetables.

One Monday, Mr. Green was feeling a bit tired so he decided to take a day off and rest. He asked his friend to keep the store for him while he was absent.

Tuesday came and Mr. Green was still feeling tired, so he decided to spend the day at home and rest some more.

Wednesday rolled around and Mr. Green was starting to feel better, but he still didn't feel like going to work. So, he asked his friend to keep the store for one more day.

On Thursday, Mr. Green finally felt like himself again and he happily went back to his store to sell fresh fruits and vegetables to customers.

The end.


  1. Why did Mr. Green take a day off from work?
  2. What did he do on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday?
  3. Who kept the store for Mr. Green while he was absent?
  4. How did Mr. Green feel on Thursday?
  5. Why did Mr. Green decide to go back to work on Thursday?

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